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Tidiga Luxe-utbetalningar

This article only applies to Luxe hosts who meet the Early Payout Eligibility criteria. All hosts whose listings were onboarded to the Luxe category after September 2023 are not eligible for early payouts and are subject to standard Airbnb payout policies.

Early Payout Eligibility 

  • Hosting with Luxe prior to September 2023
  • Early payout is only applicable for Luxe listings and reservations
  • Luxe listing has to have one of the below cancellation policies selected at the time the booking is confirmed:
    • Superstrict 30
    • Superstrict 60
    • Non-refundable

Note: Early Payout does not apply to long-term stays.

Luxe Early Payout Schedule

Early Payout allows eligible Luxe hosts to get paid in full before the reservation check-in date. If the Luxe host meets the eligibility criteria, the payout schedule is as follows:

If you meet the above criteria, payout schedule is as follows:

  • 1st Payout: The 1st Payout is released 72 hours after the reservation is confirmed*. It amounts to half of the total booking value minus Airbnb service fee.
  • 2nd Payout: The remaining owed balance is released 72 hours after the host’s cancellation policy cut-off date.

    *If the reservation dates fall after the cancellation cut-off date, 100% of your payout (total booking value minus Airbnb service fee) is paid to you 72 hours after the reservation is confirmed.

    If a host selected any cancellation policy for a listing other than the ones listed above, reservations made for that listing will be subject to standard Airbnb payout policies, and not eligible for EHP.

    Keep in mind that depending on your payout method, there may be additional processing time before your funds finally settle into your account. Learn more about payout methods and processing times

    Alterations to an Early Payout reservation

    If any changes are made to an Early Payout reservation, the payout schedule for those adjustments will vary depending on the timing of the alteration and the cancellation policy.

    • If an alteration is made before the first payout is sent (which is less than 3 days after the booking was confirmed), the first and second payout amounts will be adjusted to reflect the new total booking value for the reservation. The payout schedule will follow the standard payout schedule described above.
    • If an alteration is made 3 or more days after the booking was confirmed, but before the cancellation policy window, the 2nd payout will be adjusted to reflect the alteration.
    • If an alteration is made after the cancellation policy window, any additional payout or adjustment for the change will be released 24 hours after the check-in date.
    • If an alteration is made after the check-in date, any additional payout or adjustment will be released and reflected in the Airbnb account 24 hours after approval of the alteration.
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